Against the Grain is available to North American readers

The life story of one of the UK pioneers of organic farming and natural living is now available to North American readers from Acres U.S.A, of Greely, Colorado a leading publisher of eco-agriculture books and journals.

Frank Newman Turner was a pioneering English organic farmer who, when faced with a run-down West Country farm at the beginning of WW2,  decided to work with nature rather than against it to restore the health of his farm's soil and livestock.

This biography, written by his eldest son and drawing on F.Newman Turner's extensive publications and writing, describes how his father overcame the resistance of  his farming peers and his conventional agricultural training to demonstrate how the methods of composting advocated by Sir Albert Howard – regarded as one of the founders of the organic movement – could be used to improve the health of land and livestock.

F. Newman Turner's books, describing how he did this, are published as classics of eco-agriculture in new editions by Acres USA

For more information about F.NewmanTurner and some of his contemporaries, read our blog posts on this website.

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